WGM Adventures
Outside of the seasonal productions of The Easter Cave, The Christmas Cave, and The Cavern of Choices, White Gravel Mines Adventures offers a unique off-shoot of the non-profit ministry known as White Gravel Mines Adventures. This includes off-season attractions at the unique location of the White Gravel Mines. These wholesome, family oriented attractions will be made available to our visitors to schedule for a reasonable fee with the proceeds ultimately going to support the continued mission of the White Gravel Mines.

White Gravel Mines Adventures offers this exhilarating experience in a course located underground with special ultraviolet lighting and music to boot! Designed for groups large and small, imagine wielding a bow with specially padded arrows, protective head gear and day glow apparel with the goal of “tagging out” the opposing team, and you have the basics of the game. Enjoyable by young and old alike…
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Tours With Tom

Take a tour of the underground with the current owner/steward of the White Gravel Mines to explore its mysterious and dark passages. Learn the history and geology of the mines and if you like find out what “total darkness” is really like…
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Book a unique venue for birthday or other special gatherings. There is great space available with picnic seating, flat concrete floors and even a nice fire ring located just outside the entrance to the mines. Space available for small or even very large groups…
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